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Create Excellence 7437

Create Excellence 7437

Local 1000's Status Quo Speakeasy! December 28, 2022
Richard Louis Brown

Local 1000's Status Quo Speakeasy! December 28, 2022

December 28, 2022 The Local 1000 Status Quo Speakeasy! During the 14 years of Prohibition (1919 - 1933) alcohol was illegally sold at establishments in secrecy with patrons speaking softly to avoid bringing undue attention. People wanted to consume alcohol even though the 18th Amendment ratified by the states in January of 1919 banned the sale of alcohol aka “intoxicating liquors” during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. The states didn’t truly represent the will of the people in regards to alcohol consumption. The will of the people was finally recognized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the 21st Amendment was ratified in December of 1933 which repealed the 18th Amendment. Local 1000 is the modern day status quo “speakeasy” with the self-dealing and the selling of membership rights by a number (33) of Local 1000 Board of Directors in secret Board meetings with Directors voting quietly in secret with no accountability in silencing the voice of membership. However 33% of membership voted for and elected a new president, Richard Louis Brown, in 2021 to eliminate this Local 1000 status quo “speakeasy” and to lead the largest public sector union in California by obtaining substantial pay increases, and establishing bona fide contract enforcement while providing job security while under a signed contract! Many voters believe that President Brown was really first elected in 2018 but was not recognized as the winner. Together we must stop this 14 year plus status quo “speakeasy” behavior by some of the Local 1000 Board of Directors in their secretive efforts to illegally sell out membership while also engaging in self-dealing for their own selfish interests. By the way the TRIAL OF THE CENTURY is coming in 2023! Thanks for your support and cooperation, Richard Louis Brown Inspire the Impossible 7437 408-207-2339
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