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One Membership Class would create dramatic savings for all represented by Local 1000 while ensuring everyone receives the same benefits and rights regardless of *class distinction.


To achieve true unity, every member should receive the same benefits, have the right to vote, and pay the same fee. We can accomplish this at a significantly lower cost with one membership class.

The three distinct classes within Local 1000 that pay different dues or fees based on class distinction are:

Dues-paying members

Currently, only dues-paying members are allowed to vote for Union leadership, ratify or reject Union contracts, and obtain discounted insurance plans along with entertainment opportunities.

Fair share fee payers

The fair share fee requirement along with the NGO fee is based on dues-paying members paying 1.5 percent of their regular job classification salaries stated on their paycheck to the Union, but no more than the maximum amount of $90. New employees are automatically fair share fee payers until they fill out a membership application to become dues-paying members or elect to become NGOs.

Non-germane objectors (NGOs)

NGOs pay fees based solely on activities germane to contract negotiations and job grievances for Local 1000 – no politics.

Voting is priceless and sacred. My proposal to combine the three classes into one membership class will unite us in our work toward power and respect in the workplace and in contract negotiations for real pay increases.

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