Richard Louis Brown
Local 1000 President
As the leader of the largest public sector union in the great state of California I will NOT be bullied by this current Governor regarding the violation of our legally bargained contract! We are a true labor union that protects all of its represented employees equally.
We are Local 1000 for life!

Local 1000 has nine different bargaining units that cover over 1,171 different job classifications with over 95,0000 state employees represented by our Union. All state employees that work in job classifications represented by Local 1000 must pay their fair share fee to Local 1000 according to the Ralph C Dills Act. The 3 distinct classes within Local 1000 that pay different dues or fees based on class distinction to our Union are dues-paying members, fair share fee payers and non-germane objectors (NGOs). I strongly believe we need one class for real unity and power where everyone is a member, has the right to vote and pays the same fee requirement at a significantly lower cost. Currently only dues-paying members are allowed to vote for Union leadership, ratify or reject Union contracts, and obtain discounted insurance plans along with entertainment opportunities. The fair share fee requirement along with the NGO fee is based on dues-paying members paying 1.5 percent of their regular job classification salaries stated on their paycheck to the Union but no more than the maximum amount of $90. The fair share and NGO fee requirements is established for each new fiscal year based off the prior calendar year Local 1000 expenditures. New employees are automatically fair-share fee payers until they fill out a membership application to become dues-paying members or elect to become NGOs. NGOs pay fees based solely on activities germane to contract negotiations and job grievances for Local 1000-no politics. The annual Hudson Notice letter is only mailed each year in June from the State Controller’s Office to non-members of Local 1000 informing them of the new fee rates for fair share fee payers and NGOs. This Hudson Notice letter informs non-members that they will remain fair share fee payers unless they choose to fill out a membership application to become dues-paying members or they mail a letter by June 30 of the current year clearly stating they wish to become or remain a NGO. It should be noted that dues-paying members must first cancel their membership in order to become a NGO. Please see the Hudson letter for a more thoroughly explanation.
I will use my current job classification salary to illustrate the 3 different types of dues or fees based on class distinction that is paid to Local 1000. As a dues-paying member I currently make $5322.76 for my job classification salary. Therefore I pay $79.84 which is $5322.76 times 1.5 percent. If I was a fair share fee payer because I never filled out a membership application I would pay $79.59 which is $79.84 times the 99.68 percent fair share fee rate requirement for FY 17-18. If I was a NGO I would pay $57.99 which is $79.84 times the 72.63 percent NGO rate requirement for FY 17-18.
Our Union has 9 different bargaining units with over 95, 000 state employees that are represented in 3 distinct classes. Due-paying members pay the most money to Local 1000 with a cap at $90 with fair share fee payers paying almost the same amount minus a minimal 29 cents in savings. NGOs pay the cheapest amount at $65.37 based on the cap of $90. However fair share fee payers and NGOs have no voting rights or discounted benefits. I strongly believe voting is priceless and sacred which is why I want to combine the 3 distinct classes into one membership class. so we can truly come together as one family in order to gain the necessary power and respect in the workplace and in contract negotiations for real pay increases.
Richard Louis Brown